Site management

BCCIL is managed by a Steering Committee of representatives from the Universities of Lancaster, Liverpool and Sheffield. The current Steering Committee Members are:

From left to right: Karl Evans, Emma Sayer, Andrew Askew, Phil Grime, Rob Mills, Raj Whitlock and James Edgerley. Photo by Jason Fridley

We manage BCCIL in an open and inclusive way that welcomes researchers to the site from across the UK and beyond. We aim to maintain the climate manipulations at the site and facilitate access for sampling in a way that recognises and conserves the value of the climate manipulations for future generations of scientists, while allowing researchers to undertake cutting-edge science.

In addition to general site management, the Steering Committee is responsible for:

  • reviewing applications for research at BCCIL
  • ensuring that proposed work does not cause unsustainable disturbance to the plots
  • managing and resolving potential overlap between research groups working on similar subject areas
  • ensuring that conditions of site use (including health and safety requirements) are met
  • advising researchers on all of the above

If you are interested in conducting research at BCCIL, please get in touch with us via the contact form or by emailing